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About Good Shepherds Fellowship International

“And I will give you pastors after mine own heart who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.”  - Jeremiah 3:15.

Good Shepherds Fellowship is an alliance of pastors and leaders called together for the purpose of advancing the kingdom of God through the development of healthy church ministries worldwide. As such, we forego denominational restrictions and operate in concert with the autonomy of the local church. However, we understand that doctrinal agreement is key to organizational harmony and unity of the faith.

As a Fellowship, we hold conferences for the equipping and strengthening of pastors and leaders. Member churches benefit from Regional Meetings in which we continue to offer spiritual, administrative and financial knowledge and understanding as it pertains to church ministry in today’s societal climate and atmosphere. Good Shepherds Fellowship offers oversight to pastors who desire a higher level of accountability, as well as ordination and installation of pastors and leaders for member churches.  Our mission is to provide practical, well-balanced training, development and fellowship for more healthy and productive churches around the world.

About Us: About Us

Statement of Faith

The Scripture

We believe the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God, a revelation from God to man, the infallible truth, without error and all-sufficient authority in matters of faith, doctrine and Christian living.
The True God

We believe that there is but one true living God. He is infinitely perfect in all attributes. He is the creator and sustainer of all things, and in the unity of the Godhead three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; equal in divinity, and executing distinct, but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption.

The Son of God

We believe that Jesus being the true Son of God, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died in our place as a sacrifice for all the sins of humanity, was buried, and arose from the dead after three days to demonstrate His power over sin and death. He ascended into Heaven to be seated at the right hand of the Father and will return to reign as King of Kings.

The Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the divine helper, counselor, comforter and instructor for our daily lives; and upon accepting Jesus Christ as our personal savior, every one of us is given the gift of the Holy Ghost as a born-again believer for living in spiritual truth.

The Sacraments

We believe in the baptism in water of a born-again believer on the authority of the New Testament church, and the solemn ordinance of the Holy Communion as given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Church

We believe that the church is a body of baptized believers, assembled together in the faith and fellowship of the Word of God observing the ordinances instituted by Christ and governed by His laws as its only head; we believe in exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges vested in the church by Christ; that the mission of the church is clearly set forth in the great commission; that Christ promised to build His church upon Himself; and that the gates of hell shall not overtake the church.

About Us: Mission
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